Monday, September 9, 2024

The Bern Switzerland Temple

We manage to keep ourselves busy these days.  As I reported in the last blog, we had a wonderful trip to the south to visit Carpeneto in the middle of August.  At the end of August we took another trip.  This one turned out to be longer and farther away.  Our new friend Marco wanted to visit the Bern Switzerland Temple so we made arrangements to travel with him so that we could be with him as he visited the temple for the first time.  

Selfie at the Bern Switzerland Temple

Train tickets in August from Milan to Bern were quite expensive so we opted to drive.  We are only allowed to have missionaries in our car so we ended up taking Marco's car.  He has a car which is very fuel efficient, but it is small.  Between the three of us and our luggage, we had a full load.  

Blake & Marco shared the driving

As we mapped out our trip using Google Maps it appeared that each of the three main recommendations would take between 4 to 5 hours to travel from Milan to Zollikofen (a suburb of the City of Bern) where the Bern Switzerland temple is located.  We settled on a route, and we were off!  

About mid journey when we arrived in Airolo we found that the 35 mile long tunnel (the Gotthard Stassestunnel) through the mountain was closed for construction so we ended up going over the mountain across St. Gotthard Pass traversing many mountain switchbacks, cut and cover tunnels, and bridges.  Traveling through this tunnel would have been amazing; however, I absolutely loved the drive over the mountain and was once again amazed with the engineering and Swiss roadbuilding ingenuity of the route.  Unfortunately, Marco and Jodie didn't share my zeal for windy mountain roads, cliffs, tunnels of which neither could fully appreciate the wonders of the Swiss engineers on display.  Due to the unexpected route change, we arrived in Zollikofen several hours later than planned (ultimately about an 8 to 9 hour drive).     

The Swiss temple and temple grounds are immaculately cared for and provide for a beautiful and peaceful experience.  The beauty and peacefulness of the temple grounds were therapeutic for Marco and Jodie after the traumatic trip up and over the Alps.  

Swiss Temple
Zollikofen, Bern, Switzerland

(Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)
(Holiness to the Lord The House of the Lord)
The Front door of the Swiss Temple

Because we had an appointment in the temple, we were fortunate to stay in the Temple Hostel just across the road from the temple.  Accommodations in the hostel are modest but comfortable.  They are also free for the patrons in the temple.  There is a computer room, kitchen area, and sleeping quarters.  

Our room at the Temple Hostel

In preparation for our baptismal appointment the next morning, we stayed up late helping Marco transfer information about his family from My Heritage to Family Search.  We had 8 male names and 7 female names from Marco's family ready to go so we added two of Jodie's family male names.  Jodie was able to print the cards on the printer in the hostel computer room the next morning.  

Marco and Blake working on Marco's Family Search information

Our temple appointment was at 9:00am so we were to be checked in at the front desk by 8:30am.  The experience at this temple and the temple hostel was truly international.  

We were greeted at the front desk in French, the baptistry workers also spoke French, the Temple President who greeted us spoke German but also spoke English. An Italian father with his three daughters didn't speak French, German or English, so Marco was able to translate from English to Italian for the Temple President. I performed baptisms in English. Marco performed baptisms in English and Italian. I then performed confirmations in both English and Italian. With so many languages, the temple workers just take it all in stride and make everyone feel welcomed. To sum it up, we had a wonderful temple experience. As my Rindlisbacher ancestors come from the Bern Canton in Switzerland, I've always dreamed of visiting and worshiping in the temple in Bern. What a blessing for us to experience this with Marco. The peace and beauty of the temple grounds and exterior were in every way matched and exceeded inside the temple. We felt the love of our Savior and felt a connection with the individuals for whom we performed sacred ordinances, as proxy in behalf of.

Swiss Temple
Zollikofen, Bern, Switzerland

We left to return home around 11:30am.  We decided to stop in Bern and get some breakfast/lunch on our way.  For lunch we found a nice restaurant in downtown Bern that was recommended to us by the visitor's center.  We decided to have a real Swiss experience, so we ordered fondue.  It was a two-cheese fondue with pickles, potatoes, onions, pears and bread.  It was absolutely delicious.  We ate, and ate, and ate, and it was soooo good.     

Fondue at the Harmonie Restaurant

After lunch we walked around Bern and enjoyed visiting the city.  A few photos from our walk ... 

Selfie looking back at Bern from the Bear Pit

Brown bear in the Bear Pit

View of Zytglogge (clock tower) from Kramgasse

The road to the Bear Pit

View of Bern and the Nydeggbrucke bridge

View from the Nydeggbrucke bridge

Swiss Mural 

Swiss Mural 

The trip home was equally challenging.  Because we didn't want to risk going over the mountain again, we selected another route home.  We thought that it would take less time on a different route, but not so.  Again the trip was about the same duration on our return, 8 to 9 hours.  This time we ended up traveling on a car train through the Lotschberg Tunnel.  We'd never done that before!  

The car train in Kandersteg

Loading onto the car train in Kandersteg 
to go through the Lotschberg Tunnel 
(we were first in line)

Cars loaded onto the car train

Our view from the front car

After exiting the tunnel we had to travel down a few mountain switchbacks to get to the valley.  At this point we had the option of taking another car train through another tunnel or just driving down the mountain on more switchbacks.  It was getting late in the day so we opted to just take the road.  Needless to say, we arrived home quite late.  

Roadway shortly after exiting the Lotschberg tunnel headed towards Brig

Switchbacks descending the mountain headed towards Brig

I thought I might add a few more scenic Swiss photos from our trip from Bern to Milan as we returned home.  You can see the Alps and the Swiss architecture in these photos.  Sorry, nothing from Italy as it was dark by the time we crossed the border back into Italy.   

Well there you have it.  This was a quick but very rewarding two-day trip to visit the Swiss Temple.  We found Switzerland to be very beautiful and immaculately cared for.  The roadsides were clean and almost manicured.  Many have told me that the roadways in Switzerland are well cared for.  I'm happy to report that after nearly 18 hours of driving, I'm still looking for my first Swiss pothole!  


The Bern Switzerland Temple

We manage to keep ourselves busy these days.  As I reported in the last blog, we had a wonderful trip to the south to visit Carpeneto in the...