Sunday, June 9, 2024

Our MTC Training Week (5/20/24 - 5/25/24)

We had a single week (Monday-Friday) of training in the Provo Missionary Training Center "MTC".  We understand that there were about 68 new Sr. Missionary couples and Sr. Sisters that entered the MTC on Monday May 20.  It was wonderful to see and feel the excitement for missionary work from across the world.  

We each received 3 missionary name tags upon arrival. 

Our district was comprised of four Senior Couples: Marc & Suzanne Brown, Christopher & Barbara Huston, Henry & Evelyn Beyer and Blake & Jodie Rindlisbacher. Our morning teachers were Brothers Mason & Gee, and our afternoon teachers were Sisters Garrison & Benson. The Brown's are assigned to labor in the Joseph Smith Birthplace, an historic site, in Sharon, Vermont. The Huston's are assigned to labor in the Papua New Guinea area to support the Pre-Pathways efforts and Church Communications. The Beyer's are assigned to labor in the Nauvoo and Carthage Historical sites. And we, the Rindlisbacher's assigned to the Milan Italy Mission with Family Search Italia as Records Preservation Specialists. We were kind of like the misfit couples District that didn't fit nicely into the other assignments such as Office Missionaries, Member Leader Support, or medical services missionaries. We all got along well and enjoyed our time with them. During meals, devotionals and breaks we were also privileged to interact with couples headed all over the world. Jodie even joined the MTC Choir which sang at the Tuesday MTC Devotional.  While Jodie was at Choir practice, Blake slipped across the street to visit with Rich Houseman in his office on the BYU Campus in Provo.  

Mason, Brown's, Huston's, Beyer's, Rindlisbacher's, Gee

Garrison, Beyer's, Huston's, Rindlisbacher's, Brown's, Benson

Because they don't have enough rooms at the MTC and because we had a car with us, we stayed in the Springhill Suites by Marriot in Provo, Utah.  The Springhill Suites is only about a mile from the MTC so our morning and evening commutes were easy.  

The Springhill Suites in Provo

Breakfast was provided at the hotel.  For lunch and dinner, we had the option to eat in the MTC cafeteria.  Senior Couples pay for their meals in the MTC.  The price per meal was a one-time payment per meal at the door.  So, it was all you could eat buffet style.  They had many options with a hot meal, salad bar, pasta bar, dessert bar etc.  We thought the food was good.  Our first meal had the option of a hot meal of Chicken and Waffles and that is what we chose.  So, that was fun!  It reminded us of the food options in the South where our son and our daughter have lived with their families.  We especially recommend the mint brownies and the pies.    

The Preach My Gospel training week is really focused about the Missionary Purpose found in Chapter 1 of the Preach My Gospel manual.  

Our Missionary Purpose

As part of our Preach My Gospel training, we were teamed up with Elder Clarence & Sister Patricia Rich to practice listening, teaching and following up.  We loved getting to know them and we became fast friends.  It was interesting hearing about their lives and their inspiring stories.      

Elder & Sister Rich

One of the highlights for us in the MTC was viewing the artwork on the grounds and in the MTC buildings.  

We particularly loved the artwork in the lobbies of the new 6 story building on the south end of the MTC campus as Darren Farnes (Jodie's sister Nicole's husband) played a major role in the creating of these murals.


The Sons of Mosiah







Joseph and Hyrum 

The Brother of Jared


Alma the Younger

The Preach My Gospel training week is pretty structured as shown below.  

Our MTC weeks schedule at a glance. 

After class on Monday evening, we met our friends Darrel and Joanne Hammon, longtime friends from our time in Lewiston, at Brooker's for ice cream and had a chance to catch up with them.  

Hammon's and Rindlisbacher's

We were able to attend a temple session on Thursday evening.  We choose to go to the Payson Temple so that we could meet Nicole, Darren and Macee.  The Payson Temple is beautiful.  It has an apple blossom theme in the paintings and windows.  We were proxy for some Italian Family members.    

Darren, Macee, Nicle, Sorella & Anziano Rindlisbacher

Elder Marcus B. Nash of the Presidency of the Seventy spoke along with his wife at the MTC Devotional on Tuesday.   

We understand that the MTC flies the national flag of each country for the destination of missionaries currently training in the MTC. Well, we weren't the only ones going to Italy, but we like to think they were flying the Italian flag (green, white & red) for us.
The Italian flag is 3rd from the left

Even though the time in the MTC is pretty structured, they did give us a few breaks each day.  Because the weather was nice, we would head outside to catch some sun each time we had a break.  

Enjoying some sunshine while on a break

We did have one session on health and safety in which they gave us a few tips and tricks for remaining healthy, safe and keeping our marriage strong and intact.  So far neither of us has requested a new companion so we'd say things are going pretty well for us!

Healthy Missionary Strategies

The scripture that we chose for our Eagle 5th Ward mission plaque in Doctrine & Covenants 84:88. We were reminded of this scripture several times during our stay in the MTC.  

Doctrine & Covenants 84:88

Elder Neil L. Andersen visits the Italy Milan Mission

The Italy Milan Mission held a special mission conference on July 1, 2024.  Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and ...